Screening Guests for Your Vacation Rental: Dos and Don'ts in Orlando, FL

Screening Guests for Your Vacation Rental: Dos and Don'ts in Orlando, FL

53% of Americans are planning a beach vacation this year. 36% of them are willing to go into debt to pay for it.

Imagine you plan that dream vacation and it turns into a nightmare. A family with loud kids or rowdy boys kicking sand in your direction drowns out your relaxation. Vacation home owners need to prevent these situations with proper screening procedures.

Read on to learn the do's and don'ts of screening guests for vacation rentals in Orlando Florida.

Do Verify Guest Identity and Check References

The first part of screening guests for vacation rentals is confirming their names and addresses. It keeps your database up-to-date, prevents fraud, and improves vacation rental safety.

Follow up on any references that your guests provide. These may be past hosts or other impartial sources.

Do Gather Relevant Information

Treat each guest like a person. Ask about the purpose of their visit, how many people are with them, and any accessibility requirements they require.

This lets you personalize their experience. That includes suggesting local attractions they'd like.

Don't Rush

It's tempting to accept any applicants in slow seasons, but this will only hurt you in the long run. Screening is not a race.

Do a full rental guest background check that looks into their:

  • Rental history
  • Employment status
  • References

It's worth the time because letting in a delinquent guest could cost you money or compromise safety.

Don't Discriminate

Keep Orlando vacation hosting laws in mind throughout the screening process. Be careful not to discriminate against them based on categories protected in the Fair Housing Act, including:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Gender
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Familial status
  • National origin

Treat all your guests fairly and provide them with the same access to your rental. It's more than the right thing to do. It keeps you legally compliant and protects you from serious financial or criminal penalties.

Do Establish Clear Rules and Expectations

Set rules and guidelines about:

  • Smoking policies
  • Pet policies
  • Noise levels
  • Parking regulations
  • Cleaning responsibilities

Explaining and enforcing these rules makes the experience better for everyone.

Do Connect Screening Guests for Vacation Rentals and Marketing

One of the most underrated guest screening tips is that marketing and tenant screening should go hand in hand.

Create an ideal guest profile. What should their background be, and how should they behave?

Craft your marketing materials to attract them and include clear expectations. Screen applicants to see how well they meet your expectations.

Do Hire a Property Manager

Short-term Orlando rental management services are professionals at screening guests for vacation rentals.

They also help with marketing and maintenance. They'll create ways to help you earn more while giving you a more flexible schedule.

The Best Managers Help You Find the Best Guests

Don't rush or rely on gut instinct when screening guests for vacation rentals. Gather and confirm as much information about your guests as possible. Set up clear expectations about what kinds of guests you want without discriminating.

PMI Orlando MyPlace serves Windsor at Westside, Solara and the surrounding communities. Our team has deep local area and industry knowledge.

We seek to exceed our client's expectations and ensure their satisfaction and peace of mind. Contact us today to increase the value of your asset over time and set the maximum rent per month.
